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A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners,
and shaping the future of education.* 

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Mindset Feedback

Teachers should provide feedback that ultimately motivates students to learn and excel.

Anthony Colannino
Senior Fellow, the Center for Model Schools; Leading & Teaching for Growth, LLC; Author of Leading with Head and Heart

Hmheducator Confidence Report

What matters most in a student’s education—and is most likely to impact student success? Our new Educator Confidence Report answers that question and more.

Francie Alexander
Senior Vice President, Efficacy & Consulting Research

Learning Arc

If students understand mathematics conceptually, they will be more likely to apply procedures flexibly and precisely.

Dr. Juli K. Dixon
Professor of Mathematics Education; Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Post-Secondary Mathematics Education

Social Studies6

Books about history open readers’ eyes to the circumstances of people’s lives in places and times other than their own.

Carol Jago
HMH Author and Associate Director, California Reading & Literature Project at UCLA


The standards are the different mixes you choose from, and the conditions are your classroom.

Anthony Colannino
Senior Fellow, the Center for Model Schools; Leading & Teaching for Growth, LLC; Author of Leading with Head and Heart

10 Featured Teachers2

There are countless reasons to be thankful for teachers. We are joining the "10FeaturedTeachers" giveaway initiative, which gives teachers funds for school supplies.

Christine Condon
Shaped Editor-in-Chief

Special Day Class

One coach explains the success she saw after developing a districtwide goal of every student knowing his or her current Lexile number.

Jillian Frederick
Professional Services Consultant, HMH

Anthony Facebook Live

Thought leaders spoke about creating positive learning environments through equity, evidence, and efficacy.

Katrina George
Shaped Staff

10 Featured Teachers

This Thanksgiving, thank a teacher (or yourself!) by participating in one of our giveaways.

Jordan Friedman
Former Shaped Editor

Tyrone Leadership Academy

Equity and equality may sound similar, but they should have different meanings to education leaders.

Jordan Friedman
Former Shaped Editor

Gavel First Amendment

Supreme Court cases pertaining to issues raised in these amendments hold relevance for students.

Shaped Staff
Shaped Contributor

Glenn Greenberg

History Books Steinway

HMH has published a lot of compelling nonfiction books for children of all ages. Here are a few to consider.

Susan Steinway
Archivist, HMH

Diverse Literature4

Books that reflect students' cultural values allow them to explore who they are and understand the world they live in.

F. Isabel Campoy
Award-winning bilingual author

Aha Final

How do we teach so that students really understand concepts, then apply that understanding to solve problems?

Candi Di Biase
Manager of Professional Services, Florida, HMH

Daggett Keynote

Here’s a glimpse into each of the thought leader sessions and the advice they provided to attendees.

Jordan Friedman
Former Shaped Editor

Reflection Teachers

Reflect on your full teaching career and what you have learned, and set out to achieve the goals this process inspires.

Noelle Morris
Senior Director Community Engagement, HMH; Host of HMH Learning Moments: Teachers in America Podcast

Science Webinar

The new Next Generation Science Standards represent an entirely different approach to teaching and learning. Here's what you need to know.

Dr. Mike Heithaus
Dean and Professor, Florida International University, Miami

Politics School

School leaders must consider all views when reacting to political events and statements—in either a personal or professional capacity.

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.